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Showing posts from August, 2008
The Democratic convention on Monday night was one to watch. The tribute to Sen. Kennedy was marvelous and Michelle Obama proved she will be an excellent first lady.She was articulate in illustrating and imaging Obama as a family man with the ability to lead a nation. The "dream still lives and hope never dies" ! powerful words indeed.

The Liberating Truth

The search for truth is eternal.What is truth? This blog will engage and challenge our thoughts concerning our journey to find truth. Truth can be found.It is not something that can't be grasped in our life times. I invite others to share their thoughts on a myriad of issues. Is there a right and wrong or is their vaguness and an eternal cloud that veils our senses from ever experiencing the turht in our existential existence. The bible says "the truth will set you free". For those of us who seek total freedom the search for the truth is a daily endeavor. For any question we have in life, there is an answer. This is truly liberating. For full disclousure, I am a christian, I believe that truth is found in Jesus Christ.